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25 Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress

1. start waking up earlier

2. prepare for the morning the night before

3. wear more comfortable clothes

4. avoid relying on substance aids

5. keep an agenda/planner

6. check your planner often

7. say "no" more often

8. evaluate your priorities

9. fix or abandon toxic relationships

10. manage your time well

11. focus on what you can control

12. find opportunities in life's challenges

13. read a book

14. watch a funny movie or TV show

15. talk to someone you trust

16. write in a journal

17. have a bubble bath

18. eat your favorite food/snack

19. exercise more often and make time for it

20. pursue a passion project or make a vision board

21. spend time with your friends and family

22. be extra kind to people around you

23. take a break from social media

24. let go of the past

25. have an early night and rest

"The most important things in life are not things."

I feel like this time of year many people, including myself, get very stressed easily. Everyone is busy and has a lot to get done on a time crunch. Try to breathe and allow yourself to have some "you" time every now and then. When you're stressed or worked up about things, then you aren't as capable to accomplish what you need to get done. Not dealing with your stress will affect your overall health, mood, and productivity.

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