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Get Fit & Feel Good

"It takes 21 days to make or break a habit."

I wanted to share a few of my health and fitness routines, (some that I especially like to focus on for the summer season). I also wanted to spend some time on easy food and drink options to help boost your metabolism and burn fat to get your body in gear for the warm weather!


Week of Full Body:


40 high knees

20 squats

15 pushups

45 situps

10 burpees

25 walking lunges

25 step ups

1:30 min plank

40 jumping jacks


50 jumping jacks

15 tricep dips

50 russian twists

15 pushups

20 knee to elbow crunches

20 pulse ups

50 high knees

1:30 min plank


60 high knees

20 low side lunges

15 hinges

20 squats

30 gluteal bridges

60 russian twists

30 sec wall sit

1:30 min plank

60 jumping jacks


25 jumping jacks

20 pushups

30 crunches

50 situps

25 step ups

1:30 min plank

20 bird dogs

15 burpees


50 jumping jacks 

30 vertical leg crunches

2:00 min plank

30 squats

25 pushups

30 cross leg crunches

30 step ups

10 burpees

70 russian twists


70 jumping jacks

20 pushups

50 situps

30 bird dogs

35 walking lunges

20 hinges

15 jumping squats

15 burpees

2:00 min plank 


Before-Bed Workout:


40 switch lunges (20 each side)

40 squats 

45 sec wall sit

60 side leg raises (30 each)

20 butt raises


40 Russian twists

20 pulse ups

1:30 min plank

45 situps

45 cross-leg crunches


15 Essential Foods to Burn Fat:

1) Blueberries - Blueberries are very nutrient-dense. They contain antioxidants, vitamin C,  vitamin K, and potassium. Such a simple fruit, and easy to snack on or add into other foods.

2) Almonds - Almonds are a very easy and healthy snack, but are especially great for fat loss. They're very high in protein, B-vitamins, vitamin E, and calcium.

3) Salmon - Salmon should be a staple of your fat-loss diet. It is a great source of lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, which do wonders for your cholesterol and heart health. 

4) Eggs - Eggs are so versatile which makes them a favorite. You can scramble them, boil them, poach them, or make an omelette to eat a good amount of protein without eating too many calories. 

5) Kale - Kale is another nutrient dense food, loaded with fiber, vitamin K, iron, and antioxidants. A yummy salad is kale and quinoa with a lemon vinaigrette. 

6) Broccoli - Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. It's very high in fiber, vitamin E, vitamin K, and potassium. 

7) Greek Yogurt - Greek yogurt is a perfect breakfast option for healthy eating. It's high in protein, calcium, and contains probiotics, which are essential for your gut health. 

8) Avocado - Avocado is a superfood. High in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium, and helps lower LDL cholesterol. Avocado is also a perfect add-in for smoothies to get a more creamy consistency. 

9) Whole Grains - Whole grains, including whole wheat bread, oats, quinoa, and brown rice are amazingly healthy. Your body needs carbs for energy, especially if you're exercising regularly. 

10) Chia Seeds - Chia seeds have so many nutrients in them, including protein, fiber, and antioxidants. And they're super easy to add in to almost anything.

11) Cinnamon - Cinnamon has many health benefits. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory properties. 

12) Seafood - Seafood in general is low in saturated fat, but high in protein, vitamin D, iron, zinc, and omega-3's. 

13) Tomatoes - Tomatoes have many antioxidants, they're rich in vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. They're also very versatile when it comes to adding to meals or using them as a side.

14) Sweet Potato - Sweet potatoes are very low in calories and have high fiber. They're easy to make sweet or salty depending on what you prefer.

15) Grapefruit - Grapefruit is known to help boost your metabolism, which is essential for burning fats. It is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. 


Refreshing Drinks:

1) Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte, with almond milk and vanilla. This drink is one of my favorites and I've been ordering this almost everyday instead of coffee. Matcha has so many amazing benefits; it stimulates your metabolism, improves skin, high in antioxidants, enhances mood, detoxifies, and increases energy levels. 

2) Avocado Smoothie, 1/2 avocado, 1 cup almond milk, 1 banana, handful spinach, 1-2 tbs honey, and ice. This smoothie is so quick to make, and tastes yummy as well. Great for the mornings to help give you some energy before working out! 

3) Lemon & Chia Water, iced water or coconut water, chia seeds, and lemon wedges. Helps to clear skin, lose weight, and helps strengthen bones. A very light and easy drink!

4) Collagen Beauty Water, 'Vital Proteins collagen beauty water in Strawberry Lemonade'. You can buy this beauty water supplement at Urban Outfitters ($35, 5.9 oz). It is a blend of collagen, hyaluronic acid, probiotics, and organic strawberry and lemon. It helps hydrate your body, improve your skins' appearance, and help prevent wrinkles because of the collagen ingredient. It has a very delicious flavor as well! Add this into water, tea, or even smoothies!

5) Cool Lime & Green Tea, I like to order a cool lime refresher with green tea or lemonade (instead of water), at Starbucks. This drink is one of my favorites and is so refreshing during a hot day. Green tea also has many benefits such as, detoxifying, having healthy skin, speeding up metabolism-which helps burn fat, and it is full of antioxidants. 


I hope this helps you out in some way or another to achieve a healthier lifestyle, or give you some other routines to stay active during these hot months!

Also, I apologize to those who've been waiting for me to post something on here or my YouTube; I've obviously taken a break. But, I will be posting on here more, and have started filming again since I have space to film now! (: I want to be more serious and scheduled; so please send me a message of anything you're wanting to see posted, so I can be more helpful and do different stuff more frequently!

<3 Kayla 

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