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moving out! college! feels!

I started classes three weeks ago, and so far I've really been enjoying school. I'm actually learning about things that are going to be beneficial for me in the long run and help me to have a career that I enjoy doing. I'm going into graphic design, and computer science. I'm majoring in Art & Design, then minoring in Computer Science. I think doing something that allows me to be creative and still make good money is something that is perfect for me. I would never go into something that would bore me to death, and you shouldn't either. (I've always wanted to be an esthetician too, but I'll probably do that after I'm further into college). I'm learning so much in my graphic computer applications class right now and it is so much fun. It's a lot of work. There is a lot of skill/technique that I'm still learning since it's on the computer, but overall it's a pretty cool class. My English class is going to be a piece of cake, it's just essays and journals which is super lame but super easy!! Also, my math class WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. I seriously just hate math so much. It is so boring and I have to do all of my work on my laptop; it's basically an online class. I don't really even need to go to class, but I only have it once a week on Monday's so I'll go majority of the time I guess...

I feel like I've really grown as a person in these last few months since I have had all of these new opportunities and changes to my life. I love everything that I am doing with my life right now; and the people I have in my life make it that much better. All of my amazing best friends, my roommates, my teammates, my family, and people that I've met while being in college have really been impacting me to be a better version of myself. I have felt a lot of comfort and strength, and because I am succeeding in the things I am doing, I know that they are only going to keep going up from here. I went through a phase in my life that wasn't the best, but it ended up teaching me a lot about who I am not and what I don't want or need. I know now that everything truly happens for a reason, even if we don't see it or understand it at the time.

I am sooo excited for all of these incredible memories that I am going to continue making throughout my college experience. <3



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